Prime Minister tells US Congressional delegation of attractive new investment law , 17 Jul 2006
16 July 2006, Erbil, Kurdistan - Iraq (KRG). KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani told a visiting US Congressional delegation that American investors and companies can benefit from a recently passed investment law. He urged American investors and companies to establish businesses in the Kurdistan Region, en route to developing private sector commercial activities throughout the country as conditions permit.
While there have been dozens of US Congressional Delegations (CODELs) visiting Baghdad and other parts of Iraq, this was only the second to visit the Kurdistan Region. Prime Minister Barzani invited US Congressman Peter Hoekstra of Michigan and welcomed him and his delegation to the Region. Other members of the delegation were Congressmen Gil Gutknecht of Minnesota, Mike Rogers of Michigan, Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota, Christopher Shays of Connecticut, and US Government staff.
The Congressmen expressed their pleasure and optimism at the progress being made by the Kurdistan Region as a model for Iraq, in moving from a brutal dictatorial past towards a peaceful and prosperous representative democracy. Prime Minister Barzani affirmed the policy of the KRG toward a federal, pluralistic, and democratic Iraq. He highlighted the recent visit of Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, assured full support to the federal government, and offered help and assistance.
Prime Minister Barzani and Deputy Prime Minister Omer Fattah expressed their appreciation to the Congressmen for America's protection and support over the past 14 years, which has enabled the Kurdistan Region to begin moving beyond the threatening conditions of the past. Prime Minister Barzani said there is a strong will to succeed. He emphasized it was an honour to fight and work side by side with the coalition forces, and said that America's sacrifices are most respected, valued, and not forgotten.
Regarding Kirkuk and the region's natural resources, Prime Minister Barzani emphasized that they will be handled in accordance with the Constitution.
The Congressmen visited the Kurdistan National Assembly (KNA, the Region’s parliament), where they met with Speaker Adnan Mufti, Deputy Speaker Kamal Kirkuki, and some members. The Speaker and Deputy Speaker expressed their appreciation for America's protection and support and highlighted efforts being made at the parliamentary level to promote the rule of law. The KNA leadership emphasized that the settlement of the Kirkuk situation, which, regrettably, has been excessively delayed, will be handled in accordance with Article-140 of the Constitution.
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 A peaceful atmosphere purveyed throughout in the park, one that reflected the general stability now present in the Kurdistan region, while across much of Iraq chaos reigns, with killings, displacements, kidnappings and daily damage to property, cranes now fill the Kurdish skies as visual signifiers of the reconstruction in progress. People now seem to feel safe outdoors to go about their business and tourism is now at an all time high, in fact the very night this reporter spent the night in the park watching the semi final an Arabic family enjoyed the match next to him...