Kurdistan in the News
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Iraq's Northern Kurdish Area Offers Business Opportunities
Voice of America Report, 12 April 2007
Few foreign companies, aside from those dealing directly with the military, are contemplating business in Iraq until the security situation improves. Yet despite the violence, U.S. officials say opportunities do exist, primarily in the semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region where the economy is expanding rapidly.
Open Source Radio Debate
21 March 2007 (Kurdish New Year's Day)
Debate on Open source Radio hosted by Christopher Lydon with Qubad Talabany, Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US, Ms Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the UK and Peter Galbraith, international advisor.
CBS 60 Minutes Report: Kurdistan - The Other Iraq
February 2007
Try to imagine a peaceful and stable Iraq where business is booming and Americans are beloved. Now open your eyes because 60 Minutes is going to take you to a part of Iraq which fits that description: it's called Kurdistan.
The Kurds Go Their Own Way - Can freedom flower in Iraqi Kurdistan?
September 2006
I was touring the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, where the war is already over. There are no insurgents in Kurdistan. Nor are there any kidnappings. A hard internal border between the Kurds’ territory and the Arab-dominated center and south has been in place since the Kurdish uprising at the end of the 1991 Gulf War. More
Many positive developments in Iraq
2 August 2006
Did you know there is a vast region of Iraq where no U.S. troops have been killed, enemy terrorist activity has been negligible, there are few U.S. troops deployed, it is safe for Westerners to walk the streets, new business investment is taking off and there is a stable, democratic government providing more than adequately for the regions security? more
Iraqi Kurds Go Their Own Way, Wooing Investors to Safe North
1 August 2006
The tiny town of Shaqlawa had 1.2 million visitors last summer, mostly from other parts of Iraq. They came for the mild climate and mountain vistas, but the big draws were peace and safety. more
Congressman Gutknecht finds ‘oasis of peace and prosperity'
26 July 2006
On a recent fact-finding visit to Iraq, US Congressman Gil Gutknecht of Minnesota reported that he found in the Kurdistan Region “An oasis of peace and prosperity”.
Iraqi Kurds Look To Court Investors
30 June 2006
As much of Iraq seeks security and stability, the Kurdistan Region in the north has enjoyed relative peace and growing prosperity. Since 1999, a young, charismatic politician from a prominent Kurdish family has been prime minister of this region. more
Iraqi Violence Will Not Spill Over into Kurdistan Region
30 June 2006
As much of Iraq seeks security and stability, the Kurdistan Region in the north has enjoyed relative peace and growing prosperity. Since 1999, a young, charismatic politician from a prominent Kurdish family has been prime minister of this region. more
Prime Minister tells US Congressional delegation of attractive new investment law
17 July 2006
KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani told a visiting US Congressional delegation that American investors and companies can benefit from a recently passed investment law. He urged American investors and companies to establish businesses in the Kurdistan Region, en route to developing private sector commercial activities throughout the country as conditions permit.
World Cup followed with enthusiasm across Kurdish Region
11 July 2006
It was late in the evening in the Sami Abdulrahman Park; the lights suspended high above the ground illuminated the streets and the playgrounds, the breeze cooling the public as they waited for security checks at the park gates.
First US congressional delegation visits Kurdistan Region
31 May 2006
A United States Congressional Delegation visited the Kurdistan Region, the first since the fall of the regime of Saddam Hussein in April 2003. The delegation included both Republicans and Democrats from both houses of the United States Congress.
April 2006
Ratings based on governance, security and economic situations: Stable = Fully-functioning government; strong economic development; local security forces maintain rule of law.
President Bush Meets Masoud Barzani, President, Kurdistan Region in Iraq
The Oval Office, 26 October 2005
It's my honor to welcome President Barzani of the Kurdistan regional government of Iraq to the Oval Office. He's a man of courage; he's a man who has stood up to a tyrant.
A Kurdish Vision of Iraq
Washignton Post, October 26, 2005
In recent weeks Iraq has passed three important milestones. The constitutional referendum on Oct. 15 was a powerful demonstration of Iraqis' desire to establish democracy and save a country still recovering from its disastrous history.
Iraqi Kurdistan a World Away from War
BBC News, 12 August 2005
Fly into Arbil, the regional capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, and you feel that you have arrived in another country.
It is the Kurdish, not the Iraqi, flag that flutters from Arbil [Erbil] International Airport, Kurdistan's new, glass-fronted "gateway" to the world, which saw its first flights from Dubai, Beirut and Amman arrive last month.
The Wonder of Kurdistan
Berliner Zeitung, June 14, 2005
While bombs are exploding daily in Baghdad, the northern Iraqis are experiencing an economic boom. Rashid Tahir Hassan's office in the Kurdish Ministry of Finance resembles a small Kurdish memorial. On the wall behind his gigantic black desk hang two pictures of the legendary Kurdish fighter Mullah Mustafa Barzani more
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Quotes & Interviews
Troop Talk Radio Interview
Report on Business' Interview
KUIK - Jayne Carroll Interview
News Radio 600 Kogo
Clear Channel Radio
Biz Radio (Part 1)
Biz Radio (Part 2)
Voice of America Report
CBS '60 Minutes' Report
CNN Interview (2005)
CBC Interview (2005)
Fox News Report (2005)

PHOTO: L-R Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman with Elizabeth Parker, Dean of the McGeorge School of Law, September 2006
Urban beautification campaigns are under way everywhere. Freshly cut bricks are being laid into sidewalks. Enormous new parks, some so large you might need a car to get from one end to the other, can be found in both Erbil and Suleimaniya. Highways are well-signed and in perfect condition. Advertisements for DSL Internet connections line the road from Erbil to the resort town of Salahhadin. There are no statues of tyrants, dead or alive. Most of the statues I saw were of poets. It’s a different world from the shattered country below. It’s easy to imagine the place as a reasonably well-functioning conservative democracy, a moderately prosperous Utah of the Middle East.
Michael Totten, Journalist
PHOTO: L-R Ed Meese former Attorney General with Ms Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Kurdistan Regional Government High Representative to the UK, July 2006.
One of the interesting things about Kurdistan is that there, because there has been the opportunity for people to live and work in peace, that region is so much stronger. It is economically stronger, it is stronger in terms of the living standards of its people and what it shows is what Iraq itself could be like…
Tony Blair, British Prime Minister
PHOTO: L-R Ms Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Kurdistan Regional Government High Representative to the UK, with Congress Woman Kay Granger, July.
And something else is different in Kurdistan: they like Americans here. Both US presidents, father and son Bush, are considered liberators of Kurdistan. The elder, because he imposed the 1991 no-fly zone, which made the Kurds more independent and laid the groundwork for today's turn for the better.
Berliner Zeitung